The Rose Dieta
- 33 days journeying with the Rose Medicine
Welcome to this simple meeting with the Rose. During 33 days we will journey with her, surrender to her embrace, sit in her essence, and allow her medicine to open our bodies. We will meet her deeply and meet ourselves anew through this Medicine.
This entire time we will prepare a daily dose of Rose Infusion and take this into our bodies. Aside from this, you are free to experiment, play and work with her any way you feel called to do. Rose oil, Rose baths, work her into your food. Let her speak to you and see how you may additionally work with her, and she with you.
These times we live in are unlike those met before. There is an acceleration. Processes are getting more intense, both those fear based and love based. We find ourselves at a crossroads. Which direction do we turn?
Many people are speaking about the process of ascension. However in this process we are in right now, ascension comes through grounding. This is the work we do at this moment. We welcome all that we are, all we embody. We integrate our soul essence into these bodies, releasing old karma as we go. And in this process we connect deeper to the Earth, our Mother. Through this connection and integration process, all are lifted up, raised in vibration.
This is where the Plant Kingdom comes in. They are here at this moment to support our bodies in becoming these beautiful vessels for integrating our soul essence here. The herbs, like all life forms, carry a beautiful consciousness and these spirits desire to be of service to this integration (and ascension) process of human beings. So we may all come together in harmony.
Rose Medicine cleanses those parts of us where we are moving out of alignment with Love. Rose wisdom inspires us to move into our softness, our sensuality, and to share this Love with the world.
In this journey we will discover various ways of working with her, but the most important one, which creates the base of this journey: We will diet her.
During these 33 days we will drink strong rose infusions, and pray and meditate with her. This way she can work her magic into our bodies and harmonise us inside out.
You are being invited on this journey, where both the physical flower and her energetic presence will be of guidance in your journey.
By stepping into this journey, you give yourself permission to be opened up by the Rose medicine and work her medicine into every cell of our bodies.
The journey will open on the Flower Moon, May 23, and last until June 24.
There are several options donation-wise (there is no difference in what you receive, so feel the right option for you):
▼ €99
▼ €111
▼ €133
▼ Heartfelt donation and something else entirely (higher, lower, or in between. If this is you, please send me an email to and we will check in together)
For this you will receive:
▼ 4 live Rose Rituals, on day 1, 11, 22 & 33. These will be held in our Zoom Temple
All Rituals will be recorded and made available afterwards. If you miss one of the sessions, you can watch it the next day
▼ private community of the Rose in our own Telegram group
▼ daily Love Notes from the Rose Spirit, which will be shared through Telegram and email
▼ meditations, visualisations, trance journeys
▼ all the Rose wants to offer you in this time. We will be drinking her tea daily for 33 days, while deeply connecting to her energy. Generally deep transformational magic occurs when we connect to the Heart. What this magic will look like, I cannot say.
Not included are the Rose petals you will use for your infusions. I will give advise of places where you can find good quality ones (for those based in the Netherlands).
It is possible to purchase a Rose elixir through me that you can add to your journey.
It is possible to add an 1:1 Rose session to support you during your journey. These are 1 hour sessions for €55
You can register by using the Hipsy link or sending an email to
The journey starts the moment you say yes to her medicine. From this moment on your Heart takes the lead and will be calling you into the field of the Rose.
You will be invited to clear your diet and prepare your body from the moment you step into the journey.
We will gather on Zoom for our Rose Rituals on the following dates:
May 23 @ 20:30
June 2 @ 6:30
June 13 @ 20:30
June 24 @ 20:30
My name is Justine. Magdalene Priestess, Reiki Master, and Plant Spirit Whisperer. In my work with herbs, I mainly communicate with the Plant Spirits. They are my Mystery School. They guide me to how they wish to be worked with, what message and energetic resonance they create for those who receive the products. And so the body becomes this space for your unique energetic imprint, your own inner medicine.
Ever since my second pregnancy the spirits of the Rose and the Magdalenes have been present and supporting me, the frequency of Rose lifting my body up, so it can truly be the Temple space for my soul in this life.
Now it is time to share the wisdom of the Rose with you again. During this journey I will serve as a channel for her messages to be passed to you and as a space holder for your journey into the Heart.
May the medicine of the Rose guide us all home.
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Eerdere gebeurtenis: 21 mei
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Latere gebeurtenis: 24 mei
Hunebed D35 Groepsmeditatie