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Deep Dive with Anna: Clearing Pollution from our Bodies and the Earth (live channeling. English & online)

Dear ones,

You are invited to this next subject of our deep dive into the amazing potential of us as human beings.

This time Anna, Grandmother of Yeshua, will take us on a journey into our bodies and into the earth, where we meet the possibilities of clearing pollution that has accumulated in our bodies, and learn about how the earth and our bodies can be cleansed and the negative impact this pollution has had can be reversed.

She will share an activation that will work straight into the cells of our bodies and open up the process of ridding ourselves from the "garbage" (and maybe learn what the function of this garbage was until now).

You can participate by sending an email to info@kinderenvanmoederaarde.org or by using the Hipsy link.

Regular donation for live attendance is 33,-, but if you feel you wish to donate another amount feel free to reach out

(replay included)

It is also possible to just receive the replay afterwards. Donation for the replay is 11,-

With love,

Anna & Justine

Justine has been working with Anna for the past 4 years, while she has guided and prepared Justine and her partner for the Lightconception of their youngest son. She is now writing a book about the practice of Lightconception, channeling Anna and functioning as her scribe, and offering these live transmissions in the meantime.

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 28 mei
Landen in Jezelf - 6 daags retraite
Latere gebeurtenis: 4 juni
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