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Magdalene Mothers: A 14 week Temple Journey for Mothers (English & Online)

☽ Magdalene Mothers ☾

There was a time that taking care of the children was regarded as one of the most sacred acts of service there was. These young ones carry the blueprints of humanity’s evolution within them and to nurture them into exploring their own unique gifts was a pure act of devotion.
There was a time humanity walked in communities and together we looked after the welfare of the little ones. Weaving our days together, surrendering to the inner flow of the feminine, the divine mother. Playing was part of the daily chores, and playfully this guidance was woven into the daily existence.

At this moment we find ourselves at the precipice of a time of transition. The narratives we have been clinging to are showly shifting and breaking down, making space for new possibilities. Many Mothers (and fathers) are feeling this as well, as we find our way again in parenting our little ones in a more connected way. We listen to the guidance of our Hearts more than the “supposed to’s” we grew up in ourselves. This brings many challenges with it, as we are opening into transitioning into this ancient wisdom, and trying to integrate this into our current society.
Not only this, but the children that are being born right now, also bring with them an influx of higher states of consciousness. In their own natural way, they challenge us to question our own ways, and push us to heal the traumas we still carry within. As we free ourselves from this generations old tension, we open up the way for them to be free in how they start their lives.

It is a lot to process all at ones: daily life with children, healing our own childhood traumas, work, social life, and all those little things that are expected of us.


☽ The Journey ☾

This 14 week journey is dedicated to these Mothers who are ready to weave a new way of being into their lives. It is for those Mothers who are remembering the ancient ways and look for ways to integrate this into their daily lives.
This circle provides a container within which we can heal and make quantum leaps in the way we parent our children as well as take care of our own needs, and open up to inviting in miracles into our daily lives, remembering we were never meant to do this alone.

Every week we move into a different theme that allows us to become more embodied in our Motherhood and our Womanhood in general. We will pass through several activations and initiations that will support our opening into a life lead with more ease and joy, so that even though the actual daily life may not have changed so much, it will feel totally different.

We invite in the medicine of the Rose, carrier of the frequencies of the Divine Mother, healer of Hearts and opener of bodies. May her medicine bring us softness, forgiveness and presence, as we weave these new, yet ancient, ways of Motherhood together.


☽ Practicalities ☾

The 7 circles will take place on Friday evenings 20:00 – 22:00, every two weeks. These sessions will take place on Zoom.
After each circle you will receive invitations for the next two weeks. These invitations will consist of meditations, exercises, journaling prompts, and more and are designed to support the integration of the activation into your daily life.
In between the live session we will have our own FB group where we can connect and share inspiration, or find support with each other.

The dates are as follows:
February 10 - Mokosh, the Earth Mother
February 24 – Lakshmi, the abundant Mother
March 10 – Brigid, the creating Mother
March 24 – Mother Mary, the unconditional Mother
April 7 – Isis, the alchemical Mother
April 21 – Kali, the transformative Mother
May 5 – Hathor, the Sky Mother
May 19 - Magdalene Mother, Integration

We will work with several aspects of the Divine Mother, and the way this archetype presents into our daily lives. Every circle will be presenting another Mother Goddess, who’s energy will be woven into the activations and the weeks to come.

There is not one way to Mother and these aspects of the Mother Goddess will bring us clarity into understanding the way our unique expression can come forth as we take care of our children, and grow into who we were meant to be.


☽ Registration ☾

To sign up you can send an email to info@kinderenvanmoederaarde.org
Exchange for this journey: €139


☽ Your Guide ☾

My name is Jyoti. I am mother of 2, Magdalena Priestess, Doula, Reiki Master and Plant Spirit Whisperer.

I have been working with energy and healing the motherline for the last decade. In my own pregnancies, I have seized the opportunity to transform myself deeply. My children have taught me greater lessons than I could have ever held possible and I am deeply grateful that I have embraced these initiations fully.

In my work the Rose has opened up as a spiritual teacher and guide. She guides me in the process of embodiment and heart led life.

In this journey I bring all these aspects together. The Rose and the Rose Path open their mysteries to the Mothers. The Priestess transmits the Mysteries. The healing energy supports your inner process. The doula in me holds you as a servant, friend, and sister. The Mother in me is one with the Mother in you.

Together we weave this web. And in this time I am fully at your service.

With love and devotion,

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 9 februari
Lichaam & Energie - Basistraining
Latere gebeurtenis: 11 februari