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Light Conception with Anna - Q&A and Transmission

For the past few years Anna (Grandmother of Jesus) has been in my life as a guide and teacher.
Through her loving but firm presence she has guided my husband and me through the process of Light Conceiving our son (who I am still carrying in my womb). Aside from this she has been sharing her knowledge through me in the form of a book (in process).

To celebrate and honour Magdalene's Feast Day on July 22, she now wishes to come forth and speak to all those who are ready to hear and feel on the topic of Light Conception. This will happen through Zoom, at 20:30 (CET) that very evening.
In line with how the Essenes shared their medicine with the world, this evening is fully donation based.

On a vulnerable and personal note: this is my very first time orally channeling Anna and sharing her words live with you. I feel very vulnerable in opening myself in this way to her and to you. However she was very adamant that it is time to speak and so we will make this happen.

Here is her invitation:
"Beloved ones. In my time there was no Q&A. Those who were initiated simply knew about the practice and when the time came would be instructed by elders and the Father-Mother self. However this wisdom has long been buried and hidden from view. Many have forgotten or carry misconceptions about the practice itself.
As I speak to you now I can see many highly evolved souls standing at Heaven's Gates (so to speak) ready to come to you as your Child. These souls come to lead the way into the Golden Age and they wish to come through to those initiated into this practice.

While I am sharing these initiations through my scribe, Justine, and they will be coming to you in book form when the time is ready (and do not worry, it will be there on time. Even when she sometimes procrastinates, we support her in the writing process) it is already time to open up and speak about this practice. In this way your consciousness can already awaken again to the wisdom you carry within and start the process of resonating with the souls who will be your children, or the divine works that may flow through you. If it is not in your path to physically carry these children, but you do feel a pull to this theme, it is probably the case that you do have a role to play in paving the way and supporting them in another form during your lifetime.

So you see, Light Conception is not just about the practicalities. It is mainly a deep soul remembrance of the anchoring in of Light in your cells and on earth.

This evening is for you, if you feel this pull. I will answer any questions you might have and share a journey with you to open you up to your soul's path.

May we meet in peace. For now I bid you farewell and until we speak.

With loving guidance,

As mentioned before, this evening is donation based. When you sign up, I will email you how you can make this donation. If it wants to come in any other form, just let me know.
You can sign up for the evening by sending me a PM or by email to info@kinderenvanmoederaarde.org.

A replay will be made available afterwards, so if you are unable to attend live, you can receive her words later.

I look forward to be in her energy with you and receive her wisdom.

With love,

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 22 juli
Workshop Intuitief werken met Kruiden
Latere gebeurtenis: 1 augustus
Moeder Aarde Vrouwencirkel